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Read in RUS (translated by ChatGPT)

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Mankind devided - human revolution ? - 19.05.2024 | 2-3 min. reading

Speaking of ChatGPT, as many people know recently the OpenAI introduced "new" 4o version. Believing to them, most advanced, generic, with cooler voice, image reading/generating power, more taught one…

Typescript limitations - 17.02.2024 | 3-4 min. reading

As i have started studying such thing as overoads some time ago, i had an idea to implement it in some way in typescipt. My goal was to somehow introduce the easy to use overloading code in TS, without too much mannual handling as i saw in examples while preparing, researching the field…


What should an interview be like ? - 10.12.2023 | 5-6 min. reading

As we see today, the system or pipeline of getting people to companies most likely differs. In this chapter i will explain in short how i see and think nowadays companies of each type as mentioned in the list above conduct their interviews and how it would be better to change them, let's take a look on pros and cons of it…

Decorators and composition - 23.09.2023 | 6-7 min. reading

According to wikipedia the decorator pattern is some sort of an object wrapper around original (target) object, that expands somehow its behavior. In programming its the most widely, i believe, and frequently used design pattern, in OOP specifically…

Knowledges in IT - 24.08.2023 | 5-6 min. reading

The IT world has a gigantic information space, since it began with the essence of information itself and everything, that can be documented, saved, transported and shared. This article represents my view on it and suggests how to overcome the situation of a real overwhelming and distracting information flow, what might be good, what might be bad and why ?

Psychology VS Strong management - 21.08.2023 | 9-11 min. reading

All of you know, I guess, since the collective and cooperative work in society has become sort of an instrument of reaching and achieving something, people recognized some regularity in it, controlling, "management" we should say. But it always has been a problem with mixing up emotions, psychology and that control in a one process. So today we have a situation, as I see it, when in all industries the management mass separated in two general fields anyhow, or not evenly…